02.27.17 | Law360 highlights IPO support of Banner & Witcoff client Lexmark International Inc. in patent exhaustion case

Law360 highlights the Intellectual Property Owners Association’s support of Banner & Witcoff client Lexmark International Inc. in its case against Impression Products Inc. at the Supreme Court in its Feb. 24 article, “IP Owners Group Backs Lexmark In Patent Exhaustion Row.”

Law360 reports that the IPO argued in its amicus brief that the Supreme Court should uphold the Federal Circuit’s en banc decision that overseas sales of a product don’t exhaust a patent owner’s right to sue in the United States.

Banner & Witcoff attorneys Timothy C. Meece, V. Bryan Medlock Jr., Jason S. Shull and Audra C. Eidem Heinze represent Lexmark in the case.

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