08.19.16 | Robert S. Katz presents “Apple v. Samsung: Past, Present, Future and its Impact on Designers” at the IDSA International Conference in Detroit

Robert S. Katz presents “Apple v. Samsung: Past, Present, Future and its Impact on Designers” on Friday, Aug. 19, at the 2016 Industrial Designers Society of America International Conference in Detroit.

Mr. Katz will focus on details of the Apple v. Samsung litigation, which led to an initial verdict of more than $1 billion, as well as what caused a reduction in the verdict. The session will also focus on the positions of Apple and Samsung and those taken by some other parties, including IDSA, in “friend of the court” briefs in the upcoming case at the Supreme Court, and the likely potential impacts on industrial designers and the industrial design community based on different outcomes by the court.

The IDSA International Conference is Aug. 17-20. Please click here for more information or to register.