03.29.12 | Frederic M. Meeker moderates a panel discussion on The American Invents Act at the ABA’s 27th Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference in Arlington, VA.

Frederic M. Meeker moderates a panel discussion on The American Invents Act at the ABA’s 27th Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference in Arlington, VA.

Panelists include Speakers: Janet Gongola, Patent Reform Coordinator, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office;  Hon. David J. Kappos, Undersecretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; Hon. Michael Tierney, Board of Patent Appeals and Interference, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; and, Russell Binns, Avaya, Inc.

This session will explore the extensive set of proposed rules published in January 2012 by the Patent Office supporting the statutory post-grant procedures of the America Invents Act. The focus will include the rules relating to three new adversarial Patent Office proceedings, the Post-Grant Review, Inter Partes Review, and Derivation Proceedings, which will be implemented within 6-12 months. Topics will include the effect of the proceedings on patentees, the Patent Office, the implementation of the proceedings, and the rationale behind the rules.

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